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about us

We are a CRA registered charity (Charitable No. 776490732RR0001). Help a Buddy Fund was established April 3, 2019 as a not-for-profit organization and achieved charitable status as a public foundation in July 2020.

Our funding grants provide qualified animal welfare groups with important funding for long-term rehabilitation. Our Bella Bucks program is specifically designated for emergency surgeries for rescue animals.

Year-round, we partner with rescues all over Alberta to host joint fundraisers that will benefit animals in need. The fundraising portion Help a Buddy Fund retains is funneled back into our granting program in combination with donations gifted to us.

what we do

our  mission

To raise awareness of the dedication made by animal welfare groups towards long-term rehabilitation and to alleviate the financial burden of those who care for the well-being of animals in our province.

our  vision

A world in which our animal welfare heroes do not need to struggle to find social and financial support for the work they do, and where every animal is guaranteed outstanding care over a long-term period.

why we do it

In 2019, there were less than 5 major grants available to animal welfare groups in Alberta. There are approximately 130 registered animal welfare groups in Alberta alone (Canada Revenue Agency, 2021), many of which will apply to access these limited funds.
Help a Buddy Fund will bridge a gap for many of these animal welfare groups, with support dedicated to alleviate the emotional and financial burden animal welfare groups incur while overseeing guardianship of animals kept in long-term care for a year or more.

our  values

Help a Buddy Fund supports the following beliefs:

  • Pet ownership or guardianship should be done so responsibly with prioritization given to an animal’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being in all life stages

  • All living beings deserve compassion in our interactions with them

  • Animals should receive a high standard of care throughout long-term rehabilitation lasting for a year or more

  • Humane euthanasia is a last resort for pain or behavioural management

  • We are strengthened by our desire to learn and discuss new perspectives concerning animal welfare and empowered to use our newfound knowledge to eliminate animal cruelty

President and Founder

Jillanne Bowler-Veltman

Jillanne w dogs.jpg

Jillanne was Buddy's foster for nearly 3 years. She established The Fund after it came to her attention that few programs were available in the province of Alberta to help support long-term care of animals under guardianship of animal welfare groups. One year after The Fund was established, Jillanne experienced the tragic and sudden loss of her shih-tzu Bella. This grief inspired a second granting program, Bella Bucks, as the organization established itself as a charity and her desire to pay tribute to animals whose lives were lost too soon transpired into a fund that would save those who were at risk without veterinary intervention. Jillanne currently has one dog, Freddie, who brings her joy in every day life, and is grateful for her husband's support in this new journey. An avid volunteer, she is motivated to change the world, one small idea - and one big heart - at a time.

Vice President and Co-Founder

Gennifer Reurink


Gennifer is a childhood friend to Jillanne and immediately jumped on board to help bring the idea of The Fund to fruition. She has been an animal-lover her entire life, owning pet rabbits as a young girl and never being without a dog in the house. Burger, her boston terrier-pug cross, has taken over her Instagram feed. After travelling across Canada for a decade, Gennifer settled back in Edmonton with her fiance in 2019 and is fueling her passion for animal welfare as a team member of Help a Buddy. 

Secretary and Grants Writer

Bev Famulak


Bev has always had a love for animals and immediately felt a pull to join the Fund's cause when she was introduced to it. She doesn't recall a time when she didn't have a pet, with her fondest memories being of a Golden Retriever named Misty that she was honoured to share her life with for 15 years. Today, Bev shares her home with Boots (aka Chaos), a shepherd/husky cross she adopted at 3 months old in 2012. Bev values the good people in her life, notably her husband and two adult children, and takes pleasure in cycling when she is not busy with animal rescue. Her administrative background and motivation to get to know everyone around her on a personal level have inspired her to lead our team in its fundraising efforts.


Brad Boyce


Brad officially joined Help a Buddy Fund in 2024, though he was lending his accounting abilities for a year prior. Brad is a CPA and Mortgage Broker in his professional life. He has always loved animals. Spending part of his time in Mexico, he has helped with rescue efforts down South and maintains a household full of a mix of cats and dogs (and at one point, beehives!) in his rural Alberta home.

our board of directors

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CRA Registered Charity 776490732RR0001

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